

东方演出网 https://www.df962388.com 2024-04-04 02:54 出处:网络 热度:18
南京【积分兑换】2024“江南之声”音乐节——维也纳5+1大提琴音乐会将于2024.05.11 周六 19:30在江苏大剧院-音乐厅上演,门票价格:80-680。


1、时间:2024.05.11 周六 19:30





开售时间:03月31日 12:40



*本场演出谢绝1.2米以下儿童入场 *演出票为有价票券,非普通商品其背后承载的文化服务具有时效性,稀缺性等特征,售出后谢绝退换,一人一票,对号入座!




安东尼奥·维瓦尔第:G小调双大提琴协奏曲RV 531.


















提起世界上最美的弦乐声音,首先让人想到的是问鼎世界的维也纳爱乐乐团。而这支由维也纳爱乐最高艺术委员会委员、著名大提琴独奏家格哈德·考夫曼(Gerhart Kaufmann)创建的5+1大提琴六重奏,正将这个世界上最美的低音组合呈现在世人面前。通过5+1大提琴浑厚,沉稳,深情的音色,他们将演绎原本只能由90人编制的交响乐团所能展现的曲目,在弓弦之间呈现特殊的情感和激情、超越极限;展现一种全新的音响美学,让人洗涤尘俗,获得灵感和升华。





5+1 Cellists with members Vienna Philharmonic isan untraditional cello ensemble, founded in 2002. .Members of the ensemble includes five men and one woman of different generations forming an intrinsic tension between the performers. Concert dress and seating on stage varies according to the program. Each artist plays a soloist as well as an accompanying role.

Each artist must therefore also function as an actor, thus demanding theatrical as well as musical talent from the artists. The repertoire ranges widely from Bach to the Beatles to music of the present day.



出生于奥地利的布尔艮兰州。其5岁起跟随其父亲---著名的钢琴家赫尔伯特·考夫曼学习钢琴。15岁起,转而向Wilfried Böttcher和Richard Krotschak学习大提琴,并于1968年在布达佩斯获得了帕布罗·卡萨尔斯比赛冠军。1969年,他加入了维也纳国立歌剧院,并自1973年3月1日起加入维也纳爱乐乐团。1970年起,他作为斯特拉卡四重奏之一,参与演出并录制了许多电视广播作品。1974年他创建了“维也纳弦乐独奏家乐团”,并成功地在欧洲及亚洲各地进行巡演。2002年创建“维也纳5+1大提琴”组合。

Professor Gerhard Kaufmann

Born in in Bergenland, Austria, Professor Kaufmann received his first instruction in piano atage of five from his father, the pianist Herbert Kaufmann. He started playing cello at the age of 15,later studying with Professor Wilfried Böttcher and Richard Krotschak, and winning the PabloCasals competition 1968 in Budapest. In 1969, he began performing with the Viennese State Opera,and since March 1, 1973 has been a member osthe Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Since 1970 he

has performed as well as recorded many television and radio productions as the cellist of the StrakaQuartet. 1974 founded the „Viennese String Soloists“ with which he has successfully toured throughout Europe and Asia.


2010年加⼊维也纳国家歌剧院交响乐团,2013年成为维也纳爱乐全职成 员。 出⽣于1981年的⻢德森⾃幼学习⾳乐并参加乐团,毕业于维也纳⾳乐与艺术 ⼤学双簧管专业。在维也纳国家歌剧院交响乐团任双簧管次席的同时,他还是多个杰出室内乐组合的⼀员,包括维也纳爱乐单簧管⾸席丹尼尔·奥登萨默在内的维也纳BAOLE五重奏

Herbert Maderthaner OBOE

Joined the Vienna State Opera Orchestra in 2010

Joined the association of the Vienna Philharmonic in 2013 (full orchestra membership)

Herbert Maderthaner was born on 13 June, 1981 in Windhag bei Waidhofen an der Ybbs (Lower Austria) as the sixth of seven children. At the young age of seven, he received his first clarinet lessons from his brother Thomas. Soon after that, he became a part of the Trachtenmusikkapelle (town band) Windhag led by his father, where he played together with his siblings. Fascinated by the sound of the oboe he heard there, he decided to study this instrument with Johannes Strassl at the music school in Waidhofen an der Ybbs from 1996 onwards. Just a short while later, he was playing in the local chamber orchestra and, in 2000, he passed the entrance examination at the Conservatory Vienna (now Music and Arts University Vienna) and was admitted into the class of Thomas Höniger. In 2005, Herbert Maderthaner won his first audition for the position of second oboe and english horn at the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra where he then stayed for five years, already planning his next career move. After a period of intense preparation, he successfully auditioned for the Vienna State Opera Orchestra, once again securing the position of second oboe and english horn which he took up on January 1, 2010.

From the beginning of his career, Herbert Maderthaner has always dedicated himself to chamber music. Together with Mathias Schulz (Flute, Vienna State Opera Stage Orchestra), Daniel Ottensamer, David Seidel (Bassoon, ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra) and Jonas Rudner (Horn, Tonkünstler Orchestra), he forms the "BAOLE Quintett Wien". Furthermore, he is a member of the "Wiener Virtuosen" and is a part of the "Theophil Ensemble" which was founded by Matthias Schorn in 2008 and is composed of members of different Viennese orchestras. The "Theophil Ensemble" was named after Theophil Hansen, the Danish architect responsible for designing the Musikverein building.

杨·利斯卡 ⼤提琴

利斯卡取得了多个⼀流⾳乐院校的学位,包括布拉格⾳乐学院、 维也纳⾳乐与艺术⼤学、和欧洲室内乐学院,并获多个国际⼤提琴与室 内乐⼤赛的奖项,如⻉多芬⽐赛的⼤奖与同勃拉姆斯国际室内乐⼤赛的 ⼀等奖。作为独奏家与室内乐演奏家,他活跃在许多欧洲国家的舞台, 并曾登台纽约的卡内基⾳乐厅。他经常参与维也纳爱乐的⼤提琴声部, 在国际⼀流指挥执棒下于世界各⼤⾳乐厅频繁演出。他被奥地利外交部 选⼊“新奥地利⾳乐之声”项⽬,向世界传播古典⾳乐⽂化

Jan Ryska

Cellist Jan Ryska started his musical studies at the age of five. He graduated in cello performance major cum laude from the Prague Conservatory, the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna as well as from the prestigious European Chamber Music Academy.

Since his childhood Jan Ryska has become a laureate of many international cello and chamber music competitions – among some of the recent achievements with the Vienna Piano Quartet (former Stratos Quartett) we could name the 1st price in the Brahms International Chamber Music Competition in Austria, the 1st and the special prices in the Pinerollo Chamber Music Competition in Italy (member of the WFIMC) or the 1st and Grand Prix of the Beethoven Competition. His other activities include solo and chamber music concerts in different European countries as well as in Japan (Bunka Kaikan Tokio) or USA (Carnegie Hall) and recordings for the Czech, Austrian, Slovenian and Portuguese Radio Stations.

Since January 2012 is Jan Ryska engaged by the Vienna State Opera and performs intensively with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in all major world venues and festivals with the most distinguished conductors. In 2016 and 2017 he served as a Solo-cellist of the Tonkünstler Orchestra. By Austrian Ministry of international Affairs, he has been selected for the prestigious program “New Austrian Sound of Music”, too.

Jan Ryska plays on a Francesco Barbieri cello made in Mantova, Italy, in 1740.


1980年出生于塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德,8岁师从Nada Jovanovic学习大提琴。1999年起米兰·卡朗诺维奇开始在维也纳音乐学院学习,师从Jotscho Bayrov。他先后在Mstislav Rostropovich 和 Mischa Maisky的大提琴大师班学习。米兰·卡朗诺维奇曾在意大利、斯洛伐克、德国以及奥地利等多国的大提琴大赛中多次获得第一名,无数荣誉为他赢得了许多演出机会,包括在斯洛伐克广播交响乐团音乐会中担任独奏等。他还参与多部广播和电视演出、还与维也纳爱乐乐团一起灌录CD。

Milan Karanovic

was born in Belgrad, Serbia in 1980. He began to play cello at the age of 8, studying with Professor Nada Jovanovic. 1999 he began his studies at the Conservatory of Music in Vienna with Professor Jotscho Bayrov. He has taken part in several master classes with such renowned cellists as Mstislav Rostropovich and Mischa Maisky. Mr. Karanovic was awarded first prize in international competitions in Italy, Slowakia, Germany and Austria, which led to many solo appearances, including an appearance as a soloist with the Slowakian Radio Symphony Orchestra. His artistic career includes radio and television productions as well as a compact disc recording with members of the Vienna Philharmonic


奥地利大提琴家拉斐尔·多莱扎尔 (Raffael Dolezal) 年仅 6 岁,就开始随父亲、维也纳爱乐乐团前首席大提琴手弗里德里希·多莱扎尔 (Friedrich Dolezal) 接受大提琴演奏训练。 2002年,他转到维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学,师从Wolfgang Herzer教授(VPO)和Robert Nagy教授(VPO)继续学习。 他在 Bernhard Naoki Hedenborg (VPO) 的指导下完成了培训。他还投入了大量时间学习室内乐,并接受了 Artis 四重奏等成员的指导。


Raffael Dolezal


The Austrian Cellist Raffael Dolezal was only 6 when he began his training as a cellist with his father Friedrich Dolezal, former pricipal Cellist of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2002 he switched to the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna where he continued his studies with Prof. Wolfgang Herzer (VPO) and Robert Nagy (VPO). He completed his training with Bernhard Naoki Hedenborg (VPO).He also devoted a great deal of time to chamber music and received instruction from members of the Artis Quartet among others.

He was member of the Vienna Phiharmonic Angelika Prokopp Summer Academy from 2009 to 2014 and since 2004 he plays regulary as a substitute in the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Philharminic Orchestra.

Lia Vielhaber 莉亚·维尔哈伯利亚

来⾃斯图加特的⼤提琴家Vielhaber是多个国际⽐赛的头奖得主。自2017年起在维也纳跟随Stefan Kropfitsch教授学习。在地区独奏和室内乐比赛中获得众多一等奖之后,又在保加利亚、克罗地亚、拉脱维亚、意大利等国家的国际比赛中取得了成功。 她经常在国际音乐节上表演。 作为独奏家,她曾与著名乐团合作过,例如沃伊切赫·拉伊斯基 (Wojciech Rajski) 指挥的波兰室内爱乐乐团、拉多斯瓦夫·舒尔茨 (Radoslaw Szulc) 指挥的图宾根小交响乐团,以及沃尔夫冈·伊曼纽尔·施密特 (Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt) 指挥的普福尔茨海姆西南德国室内乐团。 2014年4月,她在布拉格举行的国际广播的欧洲广播青年音乐会上与彼得·弗伦斯基指挥的捷克广播交响乐团合作表演了柴可夫斯基的洛可可变奏曲。 2015年,她为索尼古典唱片公司录制了帕格尼尼的摩西幻想曲。她自2019年起一直在维也纳国家歌剧院和维也纳爱乐乐团担任替补并于2021年9月起签订演出合同。莉亚·维尔哈伯 演奏的是费迪南多·加利亚诺 (Ferdinando Gagliano) 1777 年制作的大提琴复制品,该大提琴由拉斐尔 (Rafaelle) 和朱塞佩·卡拉塞 (Giuseppe Calace) 于 1920 年左右制作。

Lia Vielhaber

was born in Stuttgart 1999 and began taking cello lessons with Urs Läpple in 2003. Since 2008 she has also been taught by Prof. Rudolf Gleißner. Numerous first prizes in regional solo and chamber music competitions were followed by international competition successes in Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Italy and other countries. She regularly performs at international music festivals. As a soloist, she has already made guest appearances with renowned orchestras, such as the Polish Chamber Philharmonic under the direction of Wojciech Rajski, the Sinfonietta Tübingen with Radoslaw Szulc, and the Southwest German Chamber Orchestra of Pforzheim under the direction of Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt. In April 2014 she performed Tchaikovsky's Rococo Variations with the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Petr Vronský at the internationally broadcast Euroradio Youth Concert in Prague. In 2015 she recorded Paganini's Moses Fantasy for Sony Classical. Lia Vielhaber has been studying in Vienna with Prof. Stefan Kropfitsch since 2017. In addition, she has been working as a substitute at the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra since 2019, where she had a temporary contract from September 2021. Since April 2022 she has been solo cellist with the Bruckner Orchestra Linz. Lia Vielhaber plays a copy of a cello by Ferdinando Gagliano from 1777 made by Rafaelle and Giuseppe Calace around 1920.



